Things Hoped For, Things Unseen, 2012
live video, harp, and electronics for concert
Originally commissioned by the National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan, this multi-media concert work is a collaboration between myself and composer Shih-Wei Lo. The work is structured on Dante’s Inferno text, a musical and visual design journeying through blindness, purgatory, and the inferno. Shih-Wei and I worked closely together to weave the image and sonic realms into a unified sensory concert experience.
The piece has been exhibited in over ten concert and gallery venues around the world including, National Concert Hall Taipei, Meany Hall for the Performing Arts Seattle, Benaroya Hall Seattle, Vredenburg Leeuwenbergh Netherlands, Onassis Cultural Centre Greece, and Abrons Arts Center New York among others.
Video and electronic sound elements are triggered in real-time using a custom system built in the C++ and Supercollider languages.
Shih-Wei Lo:
University archive HERE
CG / live-action composite
CG / live-action composite
harpist with live video
CG / live-action composite